Made in USA Made in USA

Ultra-high-end turntables, tonearms, cartridges and Pure Class A electronics for the highest possible listening enjoyment. Made in USA.

Master Reference Master Reference

ultra-high-end turntables, tonearms, cartridges and Pure Class A electronics for the highest possible listening enjoyment.

Ultimate LE Analog Ultimate LE Analog

A combination of superb design with exceptional engineering, every part of this glowing gold and chrome behemoth of a turntable is 850 pounds packed with innovation, and exudes a luxurious feel, enhancing your listening experience tenfold.

ANUBIS Turntable ANUBIS Turntable

The Triangle Art Anubis Turntable—Bling and Performance Befitting a Pharaoh.

Music & Art

Artisan Crafted Analogue.

TriangleART is a leading manufacturer of high-end audio turntables and analog playback systems. Years of passion, experimentation, and handcrafted work in precision engineering have led to timeless award-winning turntables that exceed all expectations. We proudly share the Ultimate LE, Reference SE, Signature, Symphony SE, Symphony, and Concerto with you.

TriangleART’s beautiful and high-quality turntables recreate sounds with accuracy and precision. It’s explosive dynamics, subtle micro and macro dynamics, along with tight and articulate bass project a light, airy holographic image and great sound stage.

We will personally install and setup support for -all customers in any location where TriangleArt does not have a representative. We welcome all inquiries and will provide the best technical support to ensure our customers are fully satisfied. We encourage you to complete your musical quest with TriangleArt.

Ultra-high-end turntables, tonearms and cartridges

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