Hooked up the Phono Amp first to see what difference that made – my jaw hit the carpet – absolutely beautiful, smooth, defined incredible clarity.
Then hooked up the Monoblocks and Preamp – my jaw hit the carpet again – SO NOW I HAVE CARPET BURN on my chin…
But it took it to a whole new level. Brought my Acoustic Signature Analogue One MK 111 turntable to life.
Hats off to you man…. this product needs to get in more homes – it may even lower the divorce rate in North America.
Then of course my little Italian Friend Andrea Bocelli came for a visit – the sound stage was filled with beautiful music – and the URGE TO BUY MORE STUFF>>>>
Of course I have to wait for more money to come first.
Anyway I wanted to personally thank you for the advice and excellent system.
Dr Kevin Strawbridge
Keswick, ON, Canada